Friday, August 17, 2007

The Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Men

It was the perfect plan. Malcolm's birthday is at the end of the month. I had him convinced that I wasn't going to be able to get back to Calgary until Christmas. His gift had been mailed. Time had, in fact, been booked off work. My plane ticked was purchased*. Siochain was keeping me informed of any party plans. I was all set to show up unannounced. And then the bugger had to ruin it by deciding to visit me the week after.

A cunning person could have lied their way out of it - stalled him for a couple of weeks so that he could make his decision after his birthday. I am not a cunning person. At the very least I'm a terrible liar. So the surprise is now ruined. Congratulations Malcolm. I hope you're happy.

In completely unrelated news, I'm going to be in Calgary from the 23rd til Sept. 2nd. Come hang out with me! I'll probably be drunk, but in case I'm not you should bring alcohol. Seriously. I need drink bad. The last few months of work have had my stress level ramping up steadily to the point where I seem to be existing in one of three states: Work, sleep, or zombie**.

*Again I have discovered that I am completely illiterate when it comes to reading flight schedules. I thought I was landing just before noon on the 22nd. Turns out I'm landing just before midnight.

**I'm still a little squeamish about the brains, though.


Electric Maenad said...


cenobyte said...

Ah crap.
You guys should have come to Metro Lumsden for cuppie-cakes.

You'll both be at Grand Moote next summer, though, right?


Steve said...

That is definitely in my plans for next year.

Unknown said...

I still think you should've taken the drive to Indy for GenCon... :-p

Steve said...

Tempting. Very tempting. Unfortunately, it just wasn't going to work out this year. Maybe next.

Lex Luthor said...

Sorry I missed you buddy. Pretty sure I won't be having a kid the next time you are in the country.