Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have a superpower

My power is not so practical as flight, nigh-invulnerability, or heat vision. No my superpower is the ability to, with only a few words, manage to cause a shit-storm of a fight between my two bosses.

Now if I just figure out how to harness my power. For good, for awesome, I don't really care. I'd just like to be able to decide when to use it.

Monday, February 02, 2009


I just talked to APEGGA today to find out the status of my P. Eng application, as I have not heard a thing one way or the other from them since October. I do know that they had to be processing it, though, since they had billed me the processing fee, and all of my references had notified me that they had filled out the forms APEGGA needed filled out.

Unfortunately, APEGGA didn't get that last memo. They are still waiting for the forms from two of my references. This means that it will likely be at least another three months before my application gets processed.