Monday, November 05, 2007

Let Me Get This Straight

The Riders played 18 games this season.

I missed the first 10 because I didn't have satellite hooked up at my house. They were 8-2 at this point.

I get satellite, and manage to watch the next three games. They lose all three.

I miss the following game because I'm working out in the boonies for the weekend. The Riders win.

I manage to catch the next game. With 10 minutes left to go, Comcast stops broadcasting the game. The Riders win.

The next two games are not televised. The Riders win both.

The last game of the season is shown. I watch it. The Riders lose.

The Riders have had their best season since 1978.

They will be hosting their first playoff game since 1988.

And I was unable to watch them win once.

Nope. I'm not bitter. Not at all. Not even the tiniest bit.

Not to worry, though, fellow Rider fans. Comcast has decided to broadcast only the Eastern semi-final, so I can watch the Western one. Ergo, the Riders will win.


cenobyte said...

Hey, why don't you fly in to Regina this weekend? You can watch the game at our house.

Steve said...

Thanks for the invite. It's an excellent idea, but I just took a weeks vacation while my parents are down here visiting, and am likely to have to work through Saturday (and possibly Sunday) to catch up at work.

On the plus side (possibly), Comcast has altered its schedule and is now broadcasting both the Eastern and Western semi-finals. With any luck, my curse won't extend into the playoffs.

cenobyte said...

Bring your work along! We have room, messy things *and* little, intricate things. If you fly in Saturday night or Sunday morning, we can feed you and water you and watch the game, then get you back to the aeroport in the evening for your return flight.

It really *is* better to watch the playoff game in SK.

....I can help you paint your skin green....

Steve said...

Love to. Really love to. Unfortunately, my work will require me sitting in a computer van on location all day, and as much as I would love to hijack it and make a mad dash for the border we don't have cables that are long enough for the trip.

Ah, to be in Regina in November, half naked and covered in green paint. Wearing a watermelon husk on my head.

cenobyte said...

Well, paint yourself green, run around naked, and put a watermelon on your head anyway. At the very least, it will give your neighbours some reason to leave you alone.

(We do have room for a van, though, too, and would be happy to host your location as well, just, you know, for the record. Do I sound needy? I sound needy, don't I? It's just just breaks my heart when other Riders fans are away from us at playoffs.)

Steve said...

Leave me alone? They're more likely to come over and join the party. I might have to give some serious thought into that plan.

cenobyte said...

I have set up an effigy of you on our couch. I didn't put a watermelon on its head, because that's just messy indoors, but I'm sure the bicycle helmet will suffice. I do hope you enjoy the beer.

Thinking of you,

Calvin Jim said...

Well, things worked out now, didn't they.

Now you have to find a way to watch the Grey Cup - with the Riders facing the Blue Bombers.

Only one week away.

cenobyte said...

So what are the chances you can fly to Regina *this* weekend, to watch the Riders take the Grey Cup at our house?

Steve said...

I could probably get the time off (Thanksgiving down here is a four day event), but there would still be 2 problems with that plan:

1.) My parents would kill me if I flew up to watch the Grey Cup on tv and it wasn't with them.


2.) I just dropped a stupid amount of money on an HDTV.

If you want, though, you can fly the clan down here to watch the game. I have plenty of room.

cenobyte said...

Your parents can come, too! And your TV!

You know, I *would* fly down there, but, you know, there's the Saskatchewan Book Awards that I have to be at the night before, and the vampire game I run on the night before, and then there's this brunch thingy I have to go to for the SBA the day of the event, and probably you wouldn't *really* want me to come to your house, what with your good friends the spiders and the pigs and all. But, you know, thanks anyway...

Steve said...

The comment about the TV was only partially about wanting to watch the game on it, the other (bigger) part was I probably can't justify paying for a ticket now.

But feel free to come down if your schedule frees up. I'm sure that the spiders and pigs won't mind.

Calvin Jim said...

Got sent this over e-mail. Enjoy



Twas the night before Grey Cup, and all through the Dome, Not a creature was stirring, but the gophers back home.
The players were nestled and snug in their beds, While visions of Grey Cup Rings danced in their heads.
When out on the field, there arose such a clatter, Kent sprang from his bed to see what was the matter, Away to his window, he flew like a flash, Threw aside the Green Curtains, and Silky White Sash.
And what did he see with his wondering eye?
But a sea of Green Revelers and a furry brown guy.
"That looks like Dominguez, and Flick and Fantuz!"
"Its way after curfew! Do they want us to lose??"
So, out of his room and down to the field, Coach Austin stormed out with a fury to wield.
As he went through the tunnel, the ground shook with a beat, From the dancing and prancing of ten thousand feet.
"Hey Coach," cried a voice, "Whatcha doing down here?"
It was Szarka and Schultz, and they were handing out beer!
Chucky and Chick were grilling up Dogs,
With Burgers being served by O'Day and the Hogs.
Crandall cooked Hot Wings, Joseph grilled steak, While Cates, Holmes, and Hughes helped Makowsky serve cake.
"This is nuts!" Austin shouted, "It's one-thirty AM!"
"I expected some revelry, but this is mayhem!"
Eric Tillman tapped Austin, " You're not Eagle Keys -"
"But I'm not Berry , or Gotta, or Gregory - so PLEASE!"
"You're all waddling around here like Wascana geese!"
"And in need of a dance coach like Donald Narcisse."
"Now, you've all had your fun, so back to your rooms."
But then Austin 's nose picked up the barbecue fumes.
Then Green Is The Color rang out through the air, As Congi and Boreham played Banjos with flair.
On Davis , on Johnson, on Coach Ritchie Hall, Even old Alex Smith flashed a smile after all, On Lloyd, on McCullough, on Hunt and on Perry, On Kornegay, Frazier, and yes, even Kerry.
The skydome then filled with a soft greenish glow, And the whole Rider Nation set poised for a show.
An S and a wheat sheaf then formed in the air, And a smile took the place of Coach Kent Austin's glare.
Then everyone there, the players, the fans, They formed a big circle by all holding hands, Then right in the centre appeared the Grey Cup, Which Fairholm and Ridgeway and Elgaard picked up.
They handed it over to Ritchie and Kent, Who called Kerry and Eddie, and off the Cup went.
It was passed round the field, past heroes to present, While Gainer dug holes for the Blue Bomber Pheasants.
That music was heard coast to coast people say And they say Rider Pride grew three sizes that day.
Everyone left there dreaming of Blue Bomber doom.
And they sent all the Banjos to Troy Westwood's Room.

Steve said...

Thanks. It's stuff like that that makes me love being a Riders fan.

(It's stuff like the last 17 seasons that's made me regret it ;-)

How's everything going along with Spud v. 2.0?

Calvin Jim said...

Spud 2.0 is due January 11.

My last day at McCarthy Tétrault is November 30 (did I mention I lost my job?).

So far, the only job I seem to be getting an interview for has a 6 month training period in Edmonton starting January 8.

Jenn is somehow okay with that.

I don't have the job yet, so I'll let you know how the hunt goes.