Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

There's nothing quite like a 16 hour work day to prep you for a vacation.

Of course, there's also nothing quite like learning how to read, which would have saved me from finding out last night that my plane tickets land me in Vegas at 9:52 a.m., and my friends land at 9:00 p.m.

Well, I guess I have to keep myself entertained for 11 hours. I hope I can find something to do.


Electric Maenad said...

Dude.. you're going to be in *Vegas*. Go to the Circus Circus and spot the Hunter S. Thompson wannabes. Or rent a tux and see how much trouble some not-so-nice young lady would be willing to help you get into.

Amy said...

What she said. If you're over 21 with more than $10 and you can't amuse yourself in Las Vegas for a day, I wash my hands of you.

P.S. The Star Trek exhibit in the Hilton (? I think, not on the Strip anyway, take a cab or bus) is pretty cool.

P.P.S. In the lobby of the Luxor there's a place where you can get a bobblehead made of yourself.

Calvin Jim said...

Bobbleheads in the Luxor?? Cool. Little Stevie Bobbleheads on the dash of his pickup truck wobblin' all the way down the lonely Arkansas dirt road. What an image.

Suz said...

I hope you have a fabuloso time with the Ms. They've been missing you quite a bit.