Monday, February 25, 2008

I haz an orchard

Or, rather, I will in a couple of years (hopefully). I went down to one of the local nurseries this weekend and bought myself a bunch of fruit trees. On top of the standard apples, pears, peaches, and plums, I was happy to discover some persimmon saplings as well, and bought one. All the trees are still quite small (about two years old), so I'm not sure if my plan will bear fruit while I'm still down here. I think I am going to have to come back down here in 10 - 20 years and see how they've grown up.

I was also thrilled that the nursery will deliver dirt (or in my case, compost) in smaller loads than dump-truck size, so I finally have some dirt for my herb garden as well. Wheee! Hopefully they'll last a little longer than the ones that I potted last year.


Unknown said...

Dang, Steve! Never knew you were that much of a green thumb! :-)

Steve said...

Only time will tell how green it is. All the herbs that I planted last year died. Hopefully the trees won't follow suit.