Saturday, April 05, 2008

I'm gonna need a bigger tub

Thursday saw me sitting at home, feeling only moderately better than I had felt the previous day. Late in the evening, the rains come again. A wonderfully powerful storm with lots of wind, thunder and lightning. Thor was having a good night. Around the time I decided to go to bed, I figured it might not hurt to check the weather station to see how bad the storm was, as I had noticed earlier that there were tornado watches in some counties (not mine).

So I learn that there are tornado warnings in southwestern Arkansas, and the storms are moving north east. In fact, at the time there was already planes flipped over at the North Little Rock air port. Eventually, the storm made it to Cabot, a town about ten minutes south of me, and the station said the residents should seek shelter immediately. At that point it seemed a pretty safe bet that it was going to hit Beebe too. Apparently, if you don't have a proper tornado shelter then the next best option is hiding in the bathtub with a mattress over you.

So about that time I lose my satellite (not really surprising), and go about dragging a mattress from the spare bedroom into my bathroom. It doesn't fit particularly well, but I managed to get the tub covered, for the most part. After about another ten minutes of waiting and not hearing a tornado siren I said "screw this" and went to bed, leaving the television on in case the satellite reestablished itself in time to give me some decent info.

About ten minutes after that, the weather station came back on and the first thing I heard was "...and the storm is now over Beebe, so if you live in Beebe seek shelter now." Pretty good timing, if I do say so myself. So I dragged my ass out of bed and curled up in the tub. Or rather, I tried to. You know, it never actually occurred to me that my entire body would not fit into a bathtub. I think that it would be more comfortable to do a trans-atlantic long haul flight in coach sandwiched between to 500+ pound people than try to fold myself up and fit entirely into the tub.

Anyhow, the storm blew over and after a few minutes I managed to crawl out of my little "hidey-hole". By the looks around town the only damage seems to be a lot of trees blown over.


Unknown said...

Yikes! Glad to see you came out of the storm unscathed. I suppose tornados are still better than earthquakes...

Steve said...

I'd say that's probably true. Tornadoes seem to have pretty small damage zones compared to quakes. I'd like to stay away from both, though, if I can help it.

Siochain said...

Why come you don't got a basement? It's got what Steves crave.
It's got electrolytes.
Be safe, okay?

cenobyte said...

Now I am going to send you a tornado helmet. How big is your head?

Steve said...

Ummm. Head sized?

I honestly don't know. I've never bothered to measure it. What is a tornado helmet anyways?

cenobyte said...

Oh, you'll see.


Steve said...

Why am I not feeling reassured?