Yesterday I got a call from one of our computer vans. Seems they were having a software problem. Unable to figure it out over the phone, I decided to high-tail it out to them, about an hour away. At the time I left, it was about 9:30 a.m. On a typical day, we've already got one job done by that time. Time was a-wasting and I was in a hurry.
I knew that I was pushing it. I kept looking at the speedometer and and as far ahead as possible to see if there were any cops. I was only about 2 miles from my turnoff when I finally got pulled over by a state trooper.
It was a lovely little conversation. We exchanged pleasantries. He told me he clocked me doing 85 in a 55 zone and asked for my license and registration. After I gave the paperwork to him, he asked me why I was going to fast and I told him the truth: We had a computer van down, a customer waiting, and I knew I was speeding but was hoping I could get away with it. The trooper took my info back to his car while I sweated it out, wondering how much the ticket was going to be.
I got a warning. For doing 30 mph over the speed limit. Even I feel that I should have been crucified for it. I might have to send the trooper a Christmas card.
In other news, I'm officially fed up with my raccoon problem. I finally spotted one of the buggers last night. Fat he was, and hairy. And apparantly strong (or heavy) enough to rip the bottom out of another bird feeder. As a humorous side note, my new neighbors dog (a little bichon-esqe thing) whom seems to think that my yard is also her yard (barks incessantly at me whenever I'm outside) also seems to take exception to the raccoon. I'm curious to see how that little battle plays out. Unfortunately, I don't hold a lot of hope for the dog.
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