Thursday, December 11, 2008

My rage keeps me warm at night.

Another exercise in the mundane and extremely irritating.

I got home last night and it was - unsurprisingly - a little cold in the house. Thus did I go to turn on the furnace.

"Hmph" says I. "The furnace is already on, but there's no air coming out of the vents. Wonderful." I started to check the system out right at the beginning. The blower outside was working, so the problem was somewhere in the furnace. I checked the furnace. It was warm, so the heater still worked. It wasn't too difficult to find the culprit though. I went to check to see if the filter was clogged only to find that there was no filter, so most likely anything that the filter would have caught is now plugged in the ducting somewhere down the line. Wonderful. Thank you furnace man for forgetting to install such a simple and critical piece of equipment.

I swear if you could channel my rage directly into a generator you'd solve the world's energy problems.


Anonymous said...

You're supposed to be changing your filter regularly.

Steve said...

How dare you use logic against my rant!

I absolutely agree about changing the filter regularly. However (and I admit that I don't do maintenance probably as often as I should), I don't see not checking it in the little over a year and a half since it was installed being especially lax on my part, especially when the system doesn't get used especially much.

If it had been a clogged filter, I wouldn't have been whining here about it, but the guy who installed the furnace missed a rather fundamental piece of equipment.

Anonymous said...

I'm not disagreeing that the installer screwed up.... just that you should have been ranting about this a year ago.

Have a good holiday... hopefully you get a long stay back in Canada.