Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I Just Drove Through a Disney Movie.

Driving out to location this morning, I saw a young deer standing in the ditch. I slowed down as it bounded across the road (no mujahadeer this time!) and noticed that, standing next to it was a small rabbit.

"Hmm." I mused. "Bambi and Thumper."

As I looked back at the deer, I noticed that it had a new companion on the other side of the road.

A skunk.

I kid you not.


Siochain said...

I had about 17 "Snow White" mornings walking to work this summer. Birds chirping, hoppiting along the sidewalk, squirrels frolicking, okay, they were humping, but it was still pretty Disney.

Unknown said...

Oh... THAT type of Disney...

There's some pretty nice nature trails by a river near here. I'm sure if we walked them more we'd be treated to some animals, but Steve's combo wins!

Steve said...

I'm almost too scared to ask, but what other type of Disney were you thinking of?

cenobyte said...

Well, there's always the puking teacup ride kind of Disney, or the incredibly freaky elephant-dressed-up-like-a-clown Disney (as if clowns weren't terrible ENOUGH, lest they be four-footed and nigh-on unstoppable). There's also the creepy-as-hell blonde-with-braids little girl skipping by the side of the road who cocks her head when you slow down to make sure she's all right and then utters some incredibly benign phrase that translates only to "Hello. I'd like to eat your eyes!" when you fully grasp her intent and intonation.

There's THAT kind of Disney...