Thursday, July 31, 2008

I can see clearly now, the brain is gone...

I've been putting off getting my eyes lazored for a couple of years now, and finally got around to scheduling it into this trip. There was a certain amount of irony when, after my initial consultation, they had to reschedule because the doctor that was in for the week I was scheduled couldn't do the Zyoptix technique that I needed. It was rescheduled to yesterday, which was fortunately still enough time for me to recover (barring complications) before I flew back home.

Surprisingly simple procedure - I knew that it only took about 15 minutes, but I was still surprised at how routine it was. I spent most of yesterday worrying that my vision wasn't going to clear up, but here I sit (at a computer, which I suppose I really shouldn't do) with 20/15 vision the day after. Nifty. I imagine once I'm allowed to walk around without the sunglasses on it's going to be really strange. I've been legally blind without my glasses since third grade. It might take some doing to be used to going without them.

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