Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy National Celebration!

I would have posted a Happy Canada Day, but it's been a week of 12-16 hour days. Those do crop up from time to time. I can't really complain since despite the hours I was working, some of our field guys have been pulling longer hours. My only real complaint is this: Why are so many engineers complete assholes? We had an engineer out here this week (not from our company, thankfully) with only a year of experience, telling us to do stuff that will damage our equipment all so that he can save some money. When we told him we would not do that and why, he did an incredible impression of a 10-year old sulking about not getting a toy he wanted.

The upside of the week is that I've now got a three day weekend. It's a complete downpour right now, so I think that I will cook alligator tonight, and if the rain dies down later I'll celebrate the fourth of July by blowing stuff up.

1 comment:

cenobyte said... should save up that three day weekend for GENCON!!!!