Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Things have calmed down around here substantially since my last post. Everything seems to be going pretty well down here lately. I'm busy, but not overworked, the weather is starting to hit the low 90's (possibly a little too warm), the tornadoes have stopped (although we still have the occasional wind storm. The picture at left is the result of one that blew through town on Sunday. These people - like most in town - were without power for 20 minutes. My little subdivision had a 7 hour blackout) and my backyard is in full bloom - I need to drink mojitos on a daily basis to keep up with my mint. Yeah. Life's tough right now.

I was up in Calgary last week for a "manager's meeting" (read: 3 hours of the brass talking about how well the company's doing & where we're headed this year followed by golf and serious amounts of drinking) and managed to cram in some visiting with family and friends. It seems that I can't go to Calgary now for just business or personal reasons. It has to be both. Granted, fitting the personal into business isn't nearly as stressful as the other way around.

And it now occurs to me that now that she's in BC, if I phone Siochain on the weekend I'll have to wait until about 2 in the afternoon if I don't want to wake her up.

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