Friday, February 16, 2007

Now with 20% less cynicism

Ugh. Silly week. The one saving grace to the company dragging out this transfer is that it's giving me more time to get stuff done at a more sane pace. As it was I feel like I've been running around like the proverbial chicken with his head cut off, and I recognize that I haven't even been working excessively hard.

Ah well, it could be worse. I haven't been electrocuted by a traffic signal yet (way to go Clark!).

It's definitely good to be back in Calgary, even if it's only for a week. I know that I've been missing my friends, but seeing them all again kinda makes it worse in a way. I can only imagine how I'll be feeling in another month or so when I finally move down officially and there isn't a scheduled trip back in the near future.

Still, as I said, it was very good to see everyone. The parties, the well-wishing, the alcohol was all good. And I've finally seen Deliverance.

Hoo boy.

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